Saturday, May 27, 2017

New Project: The State of Christianity

It has been said, by Charles Williams, I believe, that Christianity always seems to be dying, but somehow it keeps coming back with ever new vigor. Today, the idea of its dying, is at the forefront of my mind. To encourage it to either die faithfully or live wholesomely, is a task that not only may help others who find the situation bewildering: but also will help me understand too.

Among the concerns of mine are
- the church's organization in the current political climate
- our understanding of theology after the scientific revolution
- christianity's teachings to young men and women after the sexual revolution

A major focus of this blog will be to analyze the state of Christianity throughout the world and then (perhaps) to give my take on what it could do to improve. In this way, I realize that I will be criticizing many who are better than me; that I am a drop in an endless sea of opinion; and that (hence) the only chance of good work is by great personal growth and by divine blessing.

But it is to be an honest attempt, and if it helps me and others understand our current situation and what to do about it just a little better, then it is worth it.

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